(自购)Our World Is Ended.

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本帖最后由 lixuanye 于 2024-9-13 12:46 编辑

A controversial visual novel that blurs the lines between fantasy and reality. AR game developers, Judgement 7, see their creations break into the real world and threaten to destroy Tokyo. It certainly raised a few eyebrows on release, but few can argue with the quality of its rich story-telling.

日系视觉小说,黄段子糟粕少不了,不知道人设时看到还是挺糟心的。有时候操作太快游戏会崩溃,个人玩过的第一款会crash的视觉小说游戏 变态程序员的声优可是杉田智和,听语音的过程还是很享受的。


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klbghh | 2024-9-13 14:47:07 | 显示全部楼层
支持!!!!!必须支持!!!!我就想问有H油么?你那些我都玩过了 还有没发的么?
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